Questionnaire on International Cooperation between UK Universities and Chinese Vocational Colleges

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire.On behalf of the British Council, I would like to request your assistance in facilitating data collection for a major regional research project.

We are carrying out research to better understand the environment for international partnerships and cooperation in the technical and vocational education (TVET) sector between institutions in the UK and China. The research also aims to discover any challenges currently affecting international exchanges and cooperation, as well as gathering opinions and suggestions on in-depth international exchanges and cooperation in the future.

Aggregated survey results and some specific comments may be published as part of this research project, but the survey is anonymous and no individual institutions will be identified. There are no right or wrong answers. As the value of this research depends on every respondent, please answer truthfully according to your institution’s situation.

This questionnaire is aimed at staff at UK universities that cooperate with higher vocational colleges in China. If you are instead a member of staff at a UK FE college, please go to this separate questionnaire.

Beijing Foreign Studies University
Research into Models of TVET cooperationbetween the UK and China
Yuan Dayong

Part 1 Background Information
1.Where is your institution located?
D.Northern Ireland
2.Which of these options best describes your job role? 
A.Senior management / leadership
B.Administrative staff in a role specific to TVET
C.Administrative staff in a role that is not specific to TVET
D.Academic staff
3.What sort of institution do you work at?
A.UK university
B.FE college or other
lf you work at an FE college, please take this survey instead: